Microsoft Teams Integration

Make your Microsoft Teams meetings interactive with SlideLizard live Polling, Quizzes, Q&A, slide sharing and much more! Engage your audience in your online presentations, workshops, meetings and trainings.

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Live Polling & Quizzes

Make your meeting more interactive by letting your audience participate in live polls. Foster knowledge transfer & engagement with Quiz games right in Microsoft Teams.

Non interrupting Q&A

Participants can ask questions anonymously without interrupting the meeting. All questions can be collected and answered at the end or via E-Mail after the meeting.

Quick & honest feedback

Get anonymous feedback on your presentation from your attendees. Customize the feedback form questions to fit your use case.

Let participants take personal notes

Attendees can take private notes directly in SlideLizard without leaving the meeting window. Notes stay connected to the shown slide, to keep the context when viewing the notes later. After the presentation every attendee gets his notes via E-Mail.

Quick setup & easy to use

Three simple steps:

  1. Activate SlideLizard in your PowerPoint presentation
  2. Add SlideLizard to a Teams meeting
  3. Engage your audience in your meeting

More Features

Live Polls & Wordclouds Quiz Competitions Live Slide sharing Q&A Sessions Feedback Attendee Note taking PowerPoint Integration Live-Stream Integration Custom Branding Lead Generation MS Teams Integration

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Top 10 Tools for increasing Audience Engagement

SlideLizard Live Polls

Get started with Live Polls, Q&A and slides

for your PowerPoint Presentations

Pimp my PPT
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