Live Online Training (LOT)

Term explanation  •  Category Learning & E-Learning

Definition and meaning

In live online training, participants and teachers are not in the same physical room but in the same virtual room. This is usually possible through an online platform or a software system.


Use SlideLizard directly in Microsoft Teams and design interactive Teams meetings with live polls and quizzes. This is how you make your online presentations a guaranteed success.

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Other glossary terms

Game-based Learning

Game-based learning is a popular approach where the instrument for a learning process is a game. Game-based learning scenarios are often found online - they are often favoured because they engage learners in a way that few other learning methods do.

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SmartArts are diagrams that convey processes, connexions or hierarchies. They can also be edited individually and easily be added to your presentations.

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Open Questions

In contrast to closed questions, the answer to open questions can be more detailed and creative. You can convey more information.

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Distributed Audience

A Distributed Audience means that the audience you are trying to reach is spread over long distances.

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